Dear Friends, if you’ve seen my 20-minute presentation on marriage and the priesthood (, the simplest way to participate in the campaign is to use my PayPal account (using the friends or family option) or mail a check to me c/o P.O. Box 1000, French Camp, CA 95231-1000. I’ll let you know as soon as I receive the donation. and to what purpose I’ll be dedicating it. Those who’ve requested my book “Delivered on Christmas” will need to include a mailing address. For a PDF sample from my newest book (in process), I’ll need your email address. Thank you so much for your support! God bless you and your loved ones. – Dean.
Dean has lived in Seattle, Berkeley, Santa Fe, and Northern Idaho, as well as in Europe and Mexico. Now married, with a son-sent-from-heaven, he works in Stockton, CA as a public school teacher, and a minister. For twenty years, he served as a Catholic seminarian, deacon, and priest. Little by little, he's writing the books that have been on his mind and heart for years -- some for decades.